John Paul Jackson died on February 18th 2015 following a fight with a soft tissue sarcoma in his upper leg which he, and others thought he had defeated. Pneumonia, plurisy and secondary tumours on his lungs proved too much and he died at home surrounded by his family and close friends. John Paul had been at the forefront of prophetic and revelatory ministry for over 30 years and was probably most famous as a Master Dream Interpreter. He had a remarkable gift as a teacher and trainer. The Courses he wrote and developed, which we teach, have been taught all over the world and changed lives and ministries. He also authored a number of excellent books. A man who lived what he taught, he is greatly missed, but the legacy of his life and teachings will live on to change and enhance many more lives. Click on the video below recorded not long before he died and be deeply moved. It's called 'The Father's Blessing'.