Training Courses, Workshops and Events
For our foundation Biblical Dream Interpretation Course, take our ONLINE Course entitled Making Sense of Your Dreams Fast Track+ (MSYD FT+), a 4 Session training Course with built-in mentoring and support. The Sessions are led by The Dream Academy founder Tony Cooke and take place on 4 consecutive Wednesdays starting at 19:30 (UK time). Teaching from 19:30 to 21:00 followed by Question & Answer and mentoring in dream interpretation. MSYD FT+ is NOT just a training Course; taking the Course gives 'students' a place on our Dream Party interpretation teams (see Dream Party page)
The Course is limited to a maximum number of 7 'students' so each individual can benefit from individual attention and support. £80 per person.
Book your place on the next Course [starts April 3rd, 2024] by clicking on the link below:
All believers can hear clearly from God.....right? So how about you? How clearly do YOU receive communications from God?
The Understanding Dreams & Visions Course is a more advanced Course on dream interpretation John Paul Jackson's Biblical model of dream interpretation. This is an amazing Course that will change your Christian life and revolutionise the way you understand the Bible. Click HERE for full information on the Understanding Dreams & Visions Course.
The Art Of Hearing God Course is no longer a pre-requisite to taking Understanding Dreams & Visons, but your ability to interpret dreams will be greatly enhanced if you have taken John Paul's The Art Of Hearing God Course - a prophetic discipleship course which majors on godly character and maturity issues. Click HERE for more information on The Art Of Hearing God Course.
For those seeking to develop their interpretive skills further, Streams' Advanced Dreams & Visions Workshop is an advanced Course with further teaching as well as plenty of time to develop your interpretative skills. You HAVE to have taken Understanding Dreams & Visions before you take the Advanced Dreams & Visions Workshop: for more information on this Workshop click HERE.
More To Help Dream Interpreters:
We have found that Students who have taken dream interpretation Workshops and Courses benefit greatly from additional opportunities to build their confidence for outreach using their new-found dream interpretation skills. Because of this we have started to offer occasional Dream Lab events: These run between 10:00 and 16:30 and are primarily for Students who have completed the Making Sense of Your Dreams Workshop or Streams Understanding Dreams & Visions (UDV) Course but those wanting to find out mnore about dream interpretation are welcome too. The day includes short refresher teaching from UDV and lots & lots of dream interpretation with experienced Streams Teachers to help you progress. Bring your own notebooks or paper, a Bible and a PACKED LUNCH, coffee & tea supplied, £20 per delegate. Click HERE to see current dates for this event.